LP《Stella - Music for Writing Letters》 Marihiko Hara + Nao Tsuda《Stella – Music for Writing Letters》 (12インチレコード)

《Stella – Music for Writing Letters》は手紙を書くための音楽です。音楽家・原 摩利彦と写真家・津田直のインスタレーション作品《7 + 1 / 舞い降りてくる星辰、光を放つ》を起点にしており、その中で設けられた手紙を書くための場所「手紙処」にて、オリジナルの便箋と封筒、葉書とともに発表されました。その後、再構築され音源リリースに至りました。

ADAGIAは、原 摩利彦が2019年に立ち上げたレーベルです。世界の格言を集めるように様々なプロジェクトに参加し、生まれた音楽を中心に発表しています。 

Side A

1. 7 + 1 (piano solo I) 2. Improvisation I 3. 7 + 1 (piano solo II) 4. Improvisation II 5. Aurora

(Side A 33rpm)

Side B 1. Mille Regretz

2. Mille Regretz(variation) (Side B 33rpm)
回転数: 33rpm 発行元:ADAGIA 型番: ADLP-01 定価:3,500円(税別)

Music Composed by Marihiko Hara (Side A) Piano & Mixed by Marihiko Hara Mastered by Chihei Hatakeyama

Photography by Nao Tsuda Designed by Yuri Suyama


“Stella ‒ Music for Writing Letters” is music created for people who write letters. Its origin was the installation work “7 + 1 / Look up at the Stars; Dawn of a New Day” (At Noseden Art Line Festival 2021) by Marihiko Hara, musician and Nao Tsuda, photographer. , a Japanese-style room with a good mountain view for writing letters, was located at a venue of the art festival. There the music was presented with writing paper, envelopes and post cards made exclusively for that occasion. The project began during the covid- 19 pandemic as a place of comfort for people who couldnʼt meet loved ones. Later the music was recreated and we have come to release it.


以下リンクにて一部試聴が可能です。 https://m.soundcloud.com/marihikohara/stella-music-for-writing-letters-b-1-mille-regretz-by-josquin-des-prez-excerpt

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