トライノアシオトー海の波は石となり、丘に眠る TORAINOASHIOTO-Waves turned into rocks and came to a rest at mounds
津田 直+原 摩利彦
音楽家・原 摩利彦と群馬に現存する古墳を中心にフィールドワークを行い、共作で生み出した音と写真のインスタレーション作品。
トライという響きの中に 僕たちはいつしか 遠くの海を見つめるようになってゆきました
大陸と島嶼を繋いできた 深淵なる海の波音に耳を傾けながら
海馬から溢れていった忘却の欠片を 拾い集めていったのです
海の道を経て多くのものが船で渡り 辿り着いたことでしょう
中には馬の姿やいくつかの楽器等も 積まれていたことでしょう
人と馬が並んで歩き始めたのは それから間もなくのことで
旅の途中 黒井峯遺跡を訪れたときに
風の中に 馬の群れと出会ったのです
僕らの周りには あの頃と変わらない 草の香りが漂っていました
Torai no ashioto
Amidst the sound of the word “torai” (referring to “things brought to Japan from foreign countries”), from a certain point onward, we began to gaze at the distant sea.
While listening to the sound of waves of the abysmal see that has been connecting the continent and the islands,
we have been gathering the scraps of oblivion that have spilled over from the hippocampus.
There must be myriad things that have arrived at these shores,
brought to us via the sea route.
Among that freight, there must have been horses and musical instruments.
Before long, humans and horses began to live side by side.
This is where horses have been brought up.
When we visited the Kuroimine Site on our journey,
we encountered a herd of horses in the wind.
Surrounding us was the smell of grass that has always been the same.
(Text from TORAINOASHIOTO exhibition catalog)
You can listen to some of the music that was played at the venue in link below.