辺つ方の休息 Tranquility at the Shore

Tsuda Nao in Solo, Works 2020.05.07

Tranquility at the Shore #1

Tranquility at the Shore #1

Tranquility at the Shore #4

Tranquility at the Shore #4

Tranquility at the Shore #10

Tranquility at the Shore #10

Tranquility at the Shore #11

Tranquility at the Shore #11

Tranquility at the Shore #14

Tranquility at the Shore #14

Tranquility at the Shore #15

Tranquility at the Shore #15

Tranquility at the Shore #16

Tranquility at the Shore #16

Tranquility at the Shore #19

Tranquility at the Shore #19

Tranquility at the Shore #20

Tranquility at the Shore #20

Tranquility at the Shore #21

Tranquility at the Shore #21

Tranquility at the Shore #22

Tranquility at the Shore #22

Tranquility at the Shore #27

Tranquility at the Shore #27


太宰府天満宮 文書館/(福岡)2018


太宰府天満宮 文書館/(福岡)2018


太宰府天満宮 文書館/(福岡)2018


太宰府天満宮 文書館/(福岡)2018


太宰府天満宮 文書館/(福岡)2018


太宰府天満宮 文書館/(福岡)2018


(「辺つ方(へつべ)の休息」展@太宰府天満宮 会場テキスト「群島での夏のはじまり」より抜粋)


In Finland, situated in Northern Europe, the arrival of summer is much later than that of Japan.  In the early summer month of May, I was staying at Vänö Island, in southwestern corner of Finland.  40,000 islands are said to exist in the coastal area of Finland.  Archipelago facing the Baltic Sea is said to number 3,000, and while heading to Vänö Island in a ferry from Kasnäs harbor at the tip of Kemiönsaari, I was constantly following vague outlines of islands in distance.  After reaching the red roof cottage recommended by my friend and setting out for a walk, numbers of new buds which were probably not seen until a few days before caught my eye.  They were just about to sprout.  The bright sun shining for a few days called for the summer all at once.  Plants were beginning to grow from rock crevices.  Fresh green leaves of trees, appearing to be soft as peach fuzz of baby birds, were swaying in the wind.  Its regular population being only 15, the tiny island was so quiet that we were able to hear flapping of wings of swans flying above.  But, during the summer months, the island becomes lively with visitors coming on vacations as though migrating birds resting their wings when they gather for breeding purposes.  When I asked a traveler whom I met during my stay how he came to the island, he told me that he came from Helsinki by boat.  It seems that summer vacation for those who come to the island is always together with each person’s boat trip.
(Text from Beginning of Summer in an Archipelago by Nao Tsuda, Tranquility at the Shore exhibition at Dazaifutenmangu)

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