Tsuda Nao in Solo, Works 2017.07.08

Iheya・Izena #1

Iheya・Izena #1

Iheya #2

Iheya #2

Iheya #5

Iheya #5

Iheya #7

Iheya #7

Iheya #8

Iheya #8

Iheya #13

Iheya #13

Iheya #19

Iheya #19

Iheya #31

Iheya #31

Izena #1

Izena #1

Izena #3

Izena #3

Izena #10

Izena #10

Izena #16

Izena #16

Izena #20

Izena #20

Izena #21

Izena #21

Izena #25

Izena #25

Izena #29

Izena #29

Izena #37

Izena #37















Having encountered with land called Okinawa, I do not know how many times I had renewed the various cultural background of Japan. Proximity of distance between nature and mankind, indigenous religious views extending to views of life and death; reality reveals a great deal of difference from those of mainland Japan. Humble behavior of those respecting nature and ancestor worship, still holding an important part in their present life, strongly supported the depth of their culture. As one aspect of its straight forward symbolism, many households in Okinawa still use the old lunar calendar along with solar calendar. We can fully understand and accept the fact that in Okinawa, an island surrounded on all sides by sea, severe weather conditions such as typhoons and intense heat wave greatly affected their fishing and farming, and the old lunar calendar was always very useful in checking the rise and fall of the tide as well as in planning adequate timing for planting and harvesting. Furthermore, I was very much convinced to know that many of the sacred rites and traditional events related to their daily lives of fishing and farming took place at the turn of their seasons.


At Izena Island, which is an island next to Iheya Island, gramps Morishige-san, who happens to be the only remaining kaminchu in Izena community, has taught me about various rituals of the island, but he has also mentioned that one of the big themes for next generation community people is the succeeding of traditions. However, someone like myself, who is completely an outsider, is in no position to make a comment on the matter. Yet, I am not fully convinced that there is a fear that these rituals handed down for generations are unlikely to continue and will become extinct. It is because, through being in contact with people whom I met on the day I walked around the island and whom I spent time together participating in each of the rituals with a family at Seimei-Festival (called seeme in the area as an Okinawan dialect, pertaining to ancestor worship at graves taking place within two weeks after Seimei, one of thetwenty-four divisions of four seasons, which comes around April 5th on solar calendar) and Bon Festival, welcoming deceased ancestors in each family household, I have come to vaguely feel that praying was not only what we saw in the action of the people. In the past, I probably would have interpreted prayers to be words explaining people’s actions. However, what I feel to be a prayer now is something that has swelled up from the bottom of one’s heart as an instinctive chant, becoming voices of prayers and songs for gods. I believe that it appears as sounds, with looks, formats, and actions added on later. In other words, I feel that the origin of prayers exists in the depth of someone’s heart, and those that have reached the high spiritual ground are able to notice one’s own spring within themselves. With such accomplishment, they will continue to devote their lives to avoid the spring from drying up and will continue to offer daily prayers. Such is the reason, I believe, for the sacred places such as Utaki in Okinawa not having gorgeous shrines and altars and not possessing any scriptures as in other Japanese mainland religions.
(From IHEYAIZENA, Text by Nao Tsuda)

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