REBORN – Platinum Print Series

Tsuda Nao in Solo, Works 2014.07.18

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #1

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #1

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #2

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #2

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #5

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #5

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #8

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #8

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #10

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #10

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #13

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #13

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #14

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #14

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #17

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #17

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #3

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #3

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #9

REBORN-Platinum Print Series #9


その大きさは九州くらいだと喩えられることがあるが、思いの他 その土地は広く感じられる。神仏のみならず自然界に対しても敬意を表するゆえに、山へトンネルを掘るようなことをすることなく、いまなお人々は地形に沿って往来する日々を送っている。だからブータンでは時間が緩やかに流れ、谷間のように深い信仰を今に受け継ぐことができたのだろう。

(「REBORN (Scene 2) -Platinum Print Series」展@Taka Ishii Gallery Photography / Film プレスリリースより、津田直テキスト)



The kingdom of Bhutan is a small Tibetan Tantric Buddhist nation standing at the foot of the Himalaya Mountains.
It is said that Bhutan is comparable to Kyushu in size, but it feels surprisingly larger. As its people revere not only deities and Buddhas but also the natural world, the production of such an invasive structure as a mountain tunnel is out of the question. In Bhutan, people continue to travel according to the natural topography. Time, therefore, passes gently in Bhutan; Tibetan Tantric Buddhist beliefs, deep as ravines, can be passed down through the generations here.
I traveled to Bhutan four times. I arrived each time in Paro, where the international airport is located, and visited the temples in Thimphu. I then traveled on mountain trails leading north and worshipped holy mountains with nomadic peoples. I also traveled to the Bumthang district to visit its many ancient temples. During the Tshechu festivals, held in all four seasons, monks performed masked dances. I was moved by the devotion of the Bhutanese people.
(From the press release of Taka Ishii Gallery Photography / Film “REBORN (Scene 2) -Platinum Print Series”, text by Nao Tsuda)

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