Earth Rain House
嵐が去った後 偶然発見された古代の住居跡が在ると聞き向かった
途中ストーンサークルを横断する時 真ん中に立ち 声を放つと
空気が膨らみ 波紋のように響き渡り 思わず後ろを振り返った
果てなき時間と戯れても 辿り着ける場所ではなかった
雨が降りはじめ 屋根のない家に飛び込んだ
水が土に染み込む音だけが道標となり 身体は運ばれてゆくようだった
足元の渦巻模様が階段の螺旋と重なり 円環は光の塔になっていった
After a storm, I headed for the remains of ancient dwellings which were said to have been discovered accidentally.
On the way, while crossing the stone circle, I stood at the center and raised my voice.
The air seemed to have expanded, echoing like spreading ripples, and I could not help looking back.
No matter how long I spent my time, it was impossible for me to reach my destination.
It had started to rain, and I jumped into a roof-less dwelling.
I could only hear the sound of water soaking into the ground, and I felt as though my body was being washed away.
Now, I can see the white sea outside the stone assembled windows.
The path I took was already nothing more than a far distant line.
Whirling patterns at my feet, overlapped with spiral staircases, and the stone circle had become a shining tower.
(From a production note)
- Storm Last Night