126 POLAROID ―さよならからの出会い― 展覧会カタログ

2008年、生産中止という一つの終焉を機に多摩美術大学がスタートさせた「さよならポラロイド」展。東京、京都、大阪へとタイトルを変えながら続いて来たこのポラロイドを “偲ぶ会” はフィルムの再生産という知らせと共に、新しい可能性を歓び祝う “出会いの会” として横浜美術館で新たなスタートを切る―「126 POLAROID -さよならからの出会い-」展。




主な出展作家:荒木経惟、杉本博司、港千尋、森山大道、飯沢耕太郎、石川直樹、石塚元太良、石田尚志、大木裕之、大日方欣一、かわなかのぶひろ、倉石信乃、斎木克裕、沢渡朔、新津保建秀、杉戸洋、鈴木志郎康、津田直、萩原朔美、藤代冥砂、元田敬三、森北伸、屋代敏博、若木信吾 他

– 2010年8月7日刊行 発行:赤々舍

アートディレクション : 半田淳也 B5変形 182 × 257mm 並製本/160p ISBN:978-4-903545-62-2 C0072 定価:2,800円+税



This special volume, published in conjunction with a 2010 exhibition at the Yokohama Museum of Art, was intended to commemorate the end of Polaroid film. In addition to showing Polaroids from a wide range of Japanese photographers, “126 Polaroid” includes four essays (translated into English) reflecting on the format. Some of the most influential photographers in Japan are represented in this book, including Hiroshi Sugimoto, Nobuyoshi Araki and Daido Moriyama. While it eventually came to light that Polaroid film would be produced by a third party, “126 Polaroid” is an important meditation on the way that this technology has affected photography. Marveling at the way that so many different photographers could be brought together “without a hitch,” critic Kotaro Iizawa writes: “I can only conclude that there must be some sort of strange and astounding magnetic field acting upon the movement surrounding Polaroid photography.”


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近づく[増補版] Coming Closer

Tsuda Nao 2009.07.01



Coming Closer







そのことを知っているのは人間ではない 風景である

















2009年7月刊行 発行:AKAAKA+hiromiyoshii 写真、テキスト:津田直 アートディレクション:秋山伸+森大志郎(schtucco) 仕様:114×176mm 並製/200p ISBN:978-4-903545-45-5 C0072 定価:1,500円+税

A long-awaited enlarged edition of a concept book which was published in 2005 as Tsuda’s first publication. It includes unpublished new photos along with words written in process.

Works in the book consist of multi-photos as one set. Tsuda, in explaining the reason for using set of photos rather than one photo says, “There is a gap between the images of two eyes. I wanted to hold on to the sense till the end. For this reason, the unit ‘one’ didn’t exist for me.”

He often did not put film in his camera at that time. Therefore pictures shown in the book were taken on days when he had put the film in, with dates becoming the title of his works.

Yet the information of the location is kept anonymous. They are frozen lakes, volcanoes, snow-covered mountains, etc., which are vaguely written on Japanese map with updates being very slow. “I believe that to capture an incident is to offer a place to where it has not been situated yet,” Tsuda says.




The two Yellow’s are continuously blown by wind all day

Not noticed by human beings

Only landscape knows the reality

One is flags standing on the surface of the lake

The other is the color of accumulated sulfur when steam spouts out


Both showing distance


People have, historically, given names to the visual world

However, only few names have been given to the non-visual world

Therefore, non-visual world is rarely expressed by voice


Just as we do not visualize wind as just wind…..


February 14, 2003

I was walking on the lake

The frozen lake underneath my feet was as hard as stone and was glimmering

No map was in existence

(From the text of Coming Closer)

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SMOKE LINE オリジナル・プリント付き 特装版

Tsuda Nao 2008.10.17

SMOKE LINE オリジナル・プリント付特装版

写真集に未収録カットを加え、ケースに収めた『SMOKE LINE』特装版。 モノクロプリント(8×10inch/Gelatine Silver Print)もしくはカラープリント(8×10inch/C-print)のいずれかをお選びいただけます。

2009年7月刊行 発行 : AKAAKA+hiromiyoshii


アートディレクション : 秋山伸 仕様:A3変形/上製/限定各25冊 特装ケース入り/64p 定価:50,000円+税 – 特装版のお問い合わせは赤々舎まで。 http://www.akaaka.com/

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